NITAG Workshop at the Robert Koch Institute
Representatives of European and Central Asian National Immunisation Technical Advisory Groups and the WHO Regional Office for Europe at a visit in Berlin.

Within the GHPP-project SENSE (Strengthening National Immunisation Technical Advisory Groups and their evidence-based decision making in the WHO European Region and globally), the project team from the Immunisation Unit, STIKO (FG33) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) welcomed international guests on 10 and 11 December 2024. The 11 delegates from Armenia, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Turkmenistan gathered at the offices of „Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e.V.“ (TMF e.V.) in Berlin. They were chairpersons, members and/or staff of the secretariats of the National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs). Furthermore, there were two representatives of the WHO Regional Office for Europe as collaboration partners of the project. The aim of the workshop was to develop NITAG-specific standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the systematic and evidence-based development of vaccination recommendations, and to strengthen networking and exchange between NITAGs.
The workshop began with a presentation about the working methods of the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) by the deputy head of the unit and SENSE project lead. This was followed by a brief overview of the project’s activities to date and an outlook. Then, a representative from each NITAG presented the progress and challenges faced by the commissions in their work and in developing vaccination recommendations. The limited financial and human resources, as well as the importance of an independent work were mentioned here in particular. Further discussions focused on strategies to improve collaboration between NITAGs and national Ministries of Health, and the importance of transparent, evidence-based decision-making. Lastly, the Systematic Reviews on Vaccines (SYSVAC) register was presented. It compiles systematic reviews on vaccination-related topics, assesses their quality and will be further developed as part of the project.
The second day was arranged as a practical workshop, where the participants developed an SOP for their respective NITAGs. For this purpose, the project team gave a short input with examples from other NITAGs and on the necessity and advantages of an SOP. In addition to ensuring a systematic and evidence-based approach to the development of vaccination recommendations, this can guarantee the quality of the work. It can also increase the visibility and acceptance of NITAGs within the countries. The workshop ended with a presentation of the results, emphasising the importance of standardised approaches while recognising the need for flexibility with regard to the specific context and capacity of each country.
Overall, the workshop provided a platform for sharing experiences and solutions for strengthening NITAGs. The focus was on better resource utilisation, systematic reviews, and adapting global standards to local needs.