About the GHPP
Germany addresses health protection globally by leveraging its competencies and abilities at the international level.
Germany is committed to Global Health Protection
The Global Health Protection Programme (GHPP) was initiated in 2016 as a strategic component of international cooperation by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) in order to make the expertise and core competencies of specialised German institutions available internationally. The objective of the GHPP is to strengthen global health security, in particular the prevention, detection and outbreak containment of infectious diseases with epidemic and pandemic potential. At the same time, the programme promotes important networking and active cooperation between German and international actors in the field of public health.

Taking Global Responsibility
The international health crises of the past decades vividly demonstrate that in a globalised world, infectious disease spreads across national borders at a rapid pace and poses a massive threat to the health of the national and global population. Epidemics and pandemics cause immense human suffering, can test health systems to their limits within a short period of time and have massive economic impacts. Health protection and health security are, therefore, international challenges that require cross-border solutions and close collaboration among the international community.
Moreover, health crises caused by (emerging) infectious diseases, and the growing number of antimicrobial resistances underline the interconnections between human, animal, and environmental health. There is consequently a need for interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches, such as One Health, to effectively address and prevent the relevant factors contributing to the emergence of epidemics and pandemics.
In support of this, Germany actively engages in global health policy in a variety of ways. The GHPP complements the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) measures in development cooperation, the humanitarian assistance of the Federal Foreign Office (AA) and research promotion by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Key Facts
Participating German Institutes: BfArM, BNITM, DZK, FLI, FZB, PEI, RKI
Duration of the current Phase: 2023-2025
Regions: Africa, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus, Global
Funding Area: Health
Subject Areas: Global health protection, epidemic and pandemic prevention, health system strengthening

Aim of the GHPP
The programme’s aim is to strengthen health systems at national, regional, and international level in order to support project countries worldwide, in particular with regard to the prevention and management of epidemics and pandemics. The partnerships and projects support the protection of public health and thus make an important contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations – in particular Goal 3: “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages“.
Since 2016, as part of the GHPP, specialized institutions from Germany have been contributing their expertise internationally and, together with their partners, implement measures that help prevent and respond to epidemics and pandemics. This also promotes the development of long-term partnerships and networks as well as the exchange of knowledge across borders.
- Initial considerations within the BMG on how the authorities within its remit as well as the institutes of the Leibniz Association can increasingly contribute their expertise in the Global South.
- In response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, the heads of government jointly decide at the G7 summit in Schloss Elmau to step up their commitment to strengthening healthcare systems worldwide.
- The German Epidemic Preparedness Team (SEEG) is established as a joint initiative of the BMZ and BMG.
- The first phase of the GHPP starts with initially 15 projects from BfArM, the BNITM, the PEI and RKI.
- Germany continues to emphasise international health policy during its G20 presidency.
- The German Bundestag anchors the international orientation of the RKI – the largest recipient of funding from the GHPP – in the Infection Protection Act (IfSG).
- There is a strong demand among partners abroad for the expertise of the German institutes involved in the GHPP. The number projects receiving funds from the GHPP increases to 24.
- The FLI and the FZB contribute their special expertise to independent projects for the first time.
- The number of GHPP projects increases to 35.
- The DZK comes on board as a partner from Germany.
- In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the GHPP’s Corona Global funding track is established. Under this funding track, the BMG approved an additional 17 projects to support the fight against the pandemic.
- In the context of the German G7 Presidency, the Pact for Pandemic Readiness is concluded to strengthen global pandemic preparedness and response. GHPP projects make an immediate contribution to the implementation of these agreements.
- The second phase of the GHPP starts with around 40 new and follow-on projects.
Thematic Focus
Strengthening global health protection is a multifaceted challenge that requires activities at various levels. Germany’s priorities in this regard are outlined in the Federal Government’s Strategy on Global Health. Within the framework of the GHPP, projects are funded in 10 thematic areas, which also reflect the core competencies of the German institutions participating in the GHPP:
Regional Priorities and Levels of Cooperation
GHPP projects work within bilateral partnerships with countries in the following priority regions:
Eastern and Southeastern Europe
Central Asia and Caucasus
The projects also enhance cooperation at regional and global levels. This is achieved, in particular, through cooperation with:
- Regional, international, and multilateral organisations such as the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the World Health Organisation (WHO), the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Health Emergency Response Authority (HERA), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- Initiatives, networks, and platforms such as the German Epidemic Preparedness Team (SEEG), the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Networks (GOARN), the Emerging and Dangerous Pathogens Laboratory Network (EDPLN), the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence, the Global Laboratories Alliance for the Diagnosis of High Threat Pathogens (GLAD-HP), and Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources (EIOS)
- Multiple countries in a region through South-South cooperation
Guiding Principles
The design of the GHPP at programme and project level is guided by six guiding principles:
Core Competency Orientation
The projects and their activities enable the eligible German public health institutions to leverage their specific core competencies in in order to strengthen public health systems both in the project countries and regions, as well as globally. -
Needs and Target Group Orientation
GHPP projects are geared towards the needs of project countries and regions, as well as the specific needs of the target group(s) relevant in the project context. They are impact-oriented, creating maximum added value while avoiding the duplication of activities.
Applied Research
The focus of research activities lies in applied research and implementation research, which provide evidence for health policy making. The projects involve relevant local, national and international health policy decision-makers in the projects and inform these about their findings.
Development and Strengthening of Partner Systems
The projects tie in with the established structures of local public health systems, thereby enhancing the sustainability of their activities through long-term competency and capacity building. Synergies are utilised to amplify the impact of the activities.
Long-term Partnership Collaboration
Collaboration within the projects is participatory, respectful, and based on trust. The aim is to sustain and expand partnerships beyond the funding period. -
Sustainability and overarching Issues
GHPP projects operate sustainably in accordance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They consider the specific needs of socially disadvantaged and marginalised population groups and work in a gender-sensitive manner. Possible reciprocal influences of projects on crises and conflicts, climate and environment, as well as human rights are taken into account.
Funding Logic
Seven selected and specialised German institutions and organisations in the field of public health protection, together with their international partners, can jointly apply for funding for their projects. Thus, the GHPP is a non-public funding program with a select group of expert institutions that contribute their technical expertise to international projects. The responsibility for the implementation of funded projects lies with the recipient institutions.
The partners of the eligible institutions include a variety of institutions, organisations, and initiatives at the national, regional, and international level. All actors involved in the GHPP can be found in the partner directory.
The German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) as the commissioning and financing ministry is responsible for the political steering of the GHPP. BMG is further supported by a steering committee composed of members from the eligible institutions in the design of the programme. The GHPP secretary, located within the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), consults and supports the BMG in the management of the programme.
Phase I: The first phase of the programme started in 2016, with a total of 39 projects funded with durations ranging from 2 to 7 years. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a special one-time funding was initiated in 2020, under which 17 additional COVID-19-specific projects were supported.
Phase II: The second phase of the GHPP began in January 2023. Around 40 projects are being funded, which can be assigned to three different project types:
- Strategic projects aim to establish and expand longer-term partnerships for strengthening public health systems and institutions in the project countries (duration: 3 years).
- One-Year projects complement strategic projects and serve to respond to ad-hoc needs and to implement innovations (duration: 1 year).
- Initiation projects aim to establish new partnerships and serve as the precursor to potential strategic projects (duration: 1 year).
In the second phase, the programmes thematic and regional focus will be further refined, taking into account new developments and priorities in the field of global health after the COVID-19 pandemic. There will be increased support for projects that contribute to the systemic strengthening of public health systems in the programme’s priority regions.
In addition, the GHPP supports deployments of the German Epidemic Preparedness Team (SEEG) through the German institutions involved in order to enable rapid response to new outbreaks by leveraging the expertise available in Germany.
You can find information on all funded projects of the GHPP here.
The German Epidemic Preparedness Team (SEEG) was initiated by the German Federal Government in 2015 to enable rapid response to new outbreaks worldwide. Its aim is to deploy experts on short notice to the affected areas in order to detect outbreaks as early as possible and prevent them from spreading. The SEEG operates on behalf of the BMZ, the BMG and since 2021 also the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). More information about the SEEG can be found here.