Longstanding Partnerships and Joint Plans for the Future: The PharmTrain Event in Accra

Looking back at four successful years and looking ahead to PharmTrain2 during the AMRH week

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Project partners including international and regional organisations, heads, as well as technical partners of NMRAs representing the different workstreams, at the closing event in Accra.

The AMRH Week: A landmark in the operationalization of the African Medicines Agency

PharmTrain, a technical partner of the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH) initiative, and member of the Coalition of Interested Parties (CIP), participated in the “3rd AMRH Week” in Accra, Ghana in December 2022. This biennial conference is the most important meeting of, on the one hand, African medicines regulatory authorities, and on the other hand international partners providing financial and technical support for the harmonization of medicines regulation in Africa. The AMRH Week was organised by AUDA NEPAD (African Union Development Agency – New Partnership for Africa’s Development) and the WHO. It was the first time after the entry into force of the contract for the establishment of the African Medicines Agency (AMA) that the relevant organisations met. The meetings of the various committees set the course for further harmonisation of regulatory standards in Africa.

  • Regine Lehnert
    Project Lead
  • Kornelia Flämig
    Deputy Project Lead
  • Tobias Siefen
    Project Coordinator (Capacity Building)
The three pillars of the PharmTrain project will persist in the upcoming years: “Capacity building”, “Structure building” and “Interregional exchange”.

Closing of the first GHPP PharmTrain project phase

In conjunction with the conference, PharmTrain met with their current and future partners for an evening event.  It marked the end of the first funding period from 2019-2022 and the beginning of the new three-year funding period until the end of 2025. Representatives from the regional harmonization initiatives of Africa, WHO, AUDA-NEPAD, and the heads of the partner authorities of Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, The Gambia and Zimbabwe attended. Partners and team members presented the activities carried out together, the goals achieved, and the impact of the cooperation for the authorities and their regional representations. A lively exchange on the upcoming project activities followed. The partners were very pleased that the activities agreed upon in advance were approved, and had further ideas for additions and modifications. A short film at the end presented the highlights from the past years in impressive pictures and short interviews.


Exciting opportunities for participation

PharmTrain additionally supports the technical committees for evaluation of medicinal products (EMP) and for regulatory capacity development (RCD). During the committee meetings, the PharmTrain team was able to gather valuable information for further project work. This supports prioritisation in a needs-oriented manner, while bearing in mind the overarching goal of establishing the African Medicines Agency. One-on-one exchanges during the sessions as well as during the breaks offered the opportunity to foster relationships and expand networks. During the AMRH Partnership Platform Meeting, PharmTrain’s project leader Regine Lehnert was elected as vice-chair of the AMRH Partnership Platform’s Technical Partners Group. This means that the GHPP and the PharmTrain project will from now on have a further important role in the harmonisation of medicines regulation in Africa.


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Snapshot of the table in front of the plenary hall
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Formation of the AMRH-PP Technical Partners Group and election of Chairpersons
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Discussion of a technical committee during the AMRH Week.
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Participants at the AMRH conference: the heads of the African regulatory authorities, AUDA NEPAD, WHO as well as African and international partner institutions, including PharmTrain.

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