Under the International Health Regulations (2005), all WHO Member States are committed to strengthening their capacities to respond effectively to public health crises. SEAR Member States are frequently subject to climate- and infectious disease-related health crises. Health emergency operations centres (HEOCs) play a crucial role in responding effectively to such events, coordinating the necessary resources and capacities and ensuring effective communication and response measures. Building on the experience gained in the first phase of the project, in which a capacity building package (CBP) for HEOCs was developed and implemented in one Member State, in the second phase, the project will be expanded to other WHO Member States. Once a project country has been identified, the CBP will be adjusted taking into account national strategies for emergency management in order to tailor it to the local context and needs. If desired, the CBP can include a training-of-trainers approach, and its subsequent operationalisation can be tested through a simulation exercise. The project also aims to strengthen the regional exchange of experiences, practices and knowledge among HEOCs to foster a mutual learning process and support regional collaboration.
Strengthening the national capacities of HEOCs for effective and coordinated responses to public health risks and crises.
In Cooperation with
- World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO/SEARO)
- möglicherweise weitere WHO-Regionalbüros
- WHO-Länderbüros
- Gesundheitsministerien der WHO-Mitgliedstaaten
Strengthening of public health systems