TIP Bangladesh – Corona Global

Barriers and Drivers to Routine Childhood Vaccination and Potential COVID-19 Adult Mass Vaccination in Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals/Rohingya Refugees in Cox‘s Bazar

Short Description

Vaccines are crucial public health measures to fight vaccine-preventable diseases, e.g. measles. Further, COVID-19 vaccines, once available, will be essential to fight the pandemic.

In Cox’s Bazar, 860,697 Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN)/Rohingya refugees live in camps. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), immunization rates among FDMN/Rohingya children in Cox’s Bazar are low (e.g. 46% for Measles containing vaccine (MCV)) despite available technical support. The WHO emphasizes that identifying barriers and drivers for vaccination uptake are important for developing targeted, tailored interventions. Similar factors could also affect the uptake of COVID-19 vaccines once available. However, they are currently unknown.

Project Objectives

  • Explore barriers and drivers to routine childhood vaccination and a potential COVID-19 vaccine
    • amongst FDMN/ Rohingya refugees living in Cox’s Bazaar
    • amongst health service providers (e.g. health workers, EPI managers, vaccination campaign staff)
  • Determine factors associated with vaccination uptake
  • Identify recommendations for targeted, tailored evidence- based interventions


Last update: November 2022



01.05.2021 - 30.06.2023


ca. 450,000 EUR

Project Countries

  • Bangladesh

In Cooperation with

  • WHO Emergency Sub-office in Cox Bazar, Bangladesh
  • WHO Country office, Bangladesh

Implementing Institution

Robert Koch Institute

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