Assessing and Increasing Vaccine Readiness in sub-Saharan Africa


Despite significant progress in immunisation coverage in recent decades, the objectives of many Global Vaccine Action Plans have not been met. For many countries, the COVID-19 pandemic was a further impediment to achieving their target vaccination coverage, as they had to shift their focus to the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines, which negatively impacted the delivery of other, equally needed vaccines. Readiness to introduce vaccines is key to reducing the burden of communicable diseases on health systems – during public health emergencies, but also in general. The whole population benefits when a country is prepared for and capable of introducing new vaccines. Focusing on Guinea, due to its needs and established collaboration structures, the project aims to accelerate the country’s vaccine readiness and uptake of new vaccines for future health crises such as epidemics.



Increasing the readiness to be vaccinated and the use of new vaccines in Guinea.


In Cooperation With

  • Institut National de Santé Publique (INSP) de la Guinée, Guinea
  • Programme Élargi de Vaccination (PEV) de la Guinée, Guinea
  • Centre d’Excellence en Afrique pour la prévention et le contrôle des maladies transmissibles (CEA-PCMT) and Université Gamal Abdel Nasser (UGANC), Guinea

Thematic priorities

  • Strengthening of public health systems



01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025


ca. 1,500,000 Euro

Project Countries

  • Guinea

Implementing Institution

Robert Koch Institute


Dr. Charbel El Bcheraoui
Robert Koch-Institute (RKI)
Nordufer 20, 13353 Berlin, Germany
Email: El-BcheraouiC@rki.de


  • Research and provision of evidence

    Identifying factors that inhibit or promote vaccination readiness during health crises; identifying challenges to maintaining routine immunisation and introducing new vaccines from the COVID-19 pandemic; surveying current readiness to introduce new vaccines for future health crises at national and community levels.

  • Networking and cooperation

    Deriving recommendations for strengthening national immunisation programmes and introducing new vaccines in health crises in project countries, using evidence collaboratively with project countries and international stakeholders.