From Namibia to “Rhinepfals” – Mutual Learning Through Joint EMT Deployment Training
Between 28 May and 2 June 2024, six members from the national Emergency Medical Team (EMT) of Namibia joined the WHO classified EMT of Johanniter in a full-scale simulation exercise in the Ahr Valley in Germany. The exercise is a regular biennial joint activity of the German EMT community with the support of the EMT National Focal Point (EMT NFP) at Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

The Namibian EMT is an established unit at the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS), which nominated six experts to join this exercise. This included four doctors, a nurse, and a pharmacist. The participation of the Namibian EMT in this exercise was embedded within the Johanniter EMT. This is an example of how the EMT Twinning concept of the EMT TTT project is operationalised and integrated in wider relevant activities. The aim was to provide a hands-on learning experience for both partnered EMTs, especially with this full simulation exercise being the first for the Namibian EMT.
The emergency scenario started with many dead and injured persons due to an earthquake in the fictitious state of “Rhinepfals”, with an outbreak element integrated. Following the alert of the team, the six Namibian EMT members packed their bags and arrived in Frankfurt after an overnight flight. The staging process focused on the emergency deployment briefing, the EMT composition as well as safety and security plans. It was also an opportunity for the Namibian EMT members to get to know the Johanniter volunteers and to familiarise themselves with each other’s roles. They then spent the next three days together in deployment tents at the exercise location.
The following day turned out to be not a short day after all. It started with a two-hours bus ride that transferred the responding EMT to the Ahr Valley to set up the Base of Operations. Throughout the following two days, the exercise was on full run: tents were built, patients arrived and treatment was operational. The Namibian EMT members had the opportunity to experience different EMT functions throughout the deployment within the Johanniter EMT structure. This was driven by the roles they were most interested in and which were most relevant to their own function as members of the Namibian national EMT. The range of EMT functions that were addressed included: chief of operations, medical staff, media coordinator, management support officers and logisticians. These functions were experienced from two perspectives: as a shadowing role, where a Namibian EMT member was paired up with a Johanniter EMT member, as well as a direct active role. Experiencing these two perspectives allowed different learning outcomes for both EMTs.

Many thoughts and feelings were exchanged during the twinning debriefing at the end of the exercise. The participants from the Namibian EMT found this activity a valuable learning opportunity to take back home. By reflecting on and integrating the lessons learnt, they enhanced their existing EMT procedures for further development. This would not have been possible without the welcoming culture of the Johanniter EMT, who had integrated their Twinning partner in their structure for a real emergency deployment experience. At the same time, the Namibian EMT experts shared their recommendations with the Johanniter EMT based on their observations and expertise. This included, for example, topics concerning logistics, Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) as well as communication and leadership.
After three nights sleeping in tents and with many lessons learnt, home was a destination to look forward to. The joint activity marked another step forward to strengthen this EMT Twinning partnership hosted and coordinated by the EMT NFP team of RKI.