Emergency Medical Teams Twinning, Training, Transfer of Knowledge

Emergency medical teams (EMTs) are a key element of surge response capacity during national and international health crises, such as natural disasters and disease outbreaks. Strengthening EMT capacities is embedded in the approach of the WHO’s EMT Initiative. This can be facilitated by supporting countries in building national EMT capacities and participating in emergency preparedness activities to improve response readiness to national and global health threats. In the first GHPP phase, the project implemented EMT twinning activities involving two German EMTs that had undergone the classification process and the respective partners in Georgia and Indonesia. Building on this pilot phase, the second phase will continue to implement the EMT twinning approach and will further expand collaboration to support EMT capacity-building in Namibia, Uganda, and Indonesia in partnership with three approved German EMTs. The project will also support regional emergency preparedness activities by providing EMT technical and coordination training in line with the EMT Coordination Cell (EMTCC) approach, in collaboration with WHO AFRO and EURO. Given the absence of a consolidated digitalised EMT system that allows monitoring and evaluation of all areas of work of the EMT Initiative, this project phase will support the consultancy services needed to develop an EMT Knowledge and Information Management tool.
Strengthening the development of national emergency medical teams (EMTs) and rapid response systems in the project countries and enhancing of the impact and sustainability of the Emergency Medical Teams Initiative.
In Cooperation with
- Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS), Namibia
- Ministry of Health (MoH), Uganda
- Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC), Indonesia
German EMTs:
- Johanniter Auslandshilfe
- International Search and Rescue Germany gGmbH (I.S.A.R Germany)
- Malteser International
World Health Organization:
- World Health Organization (WHO) EMT Secretariat, global
- WHO Regional Offices for Europe, Africa and South East Asia (WHO/Europe, WHO AFRO, WHO SEARO)
Thematic priorities
Training and competence development
Development and implementation of regional EMT technical training and EMTCC training in coordination with the WHO EMT Secretariat.
Networking and cooperation
Support for the development of the EMT Knowledge and Information Management Emergency Platform (KIMEP).
Capacity development
EMT twinning activities involving three German EMTs that have undergone the classification process and the respective partners in Indonesia, Uganda, and Namibia, with a focus on infection prevention and control (IPC) in the Africa region.