NiCaDe: COVID-19 Response Activities
Many of the originally planned NiCaDe project activities have had to be postponed or adjusted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project partners are now mainly involved in crisis response in Nigeria and Germany, and the focus of project activities has currently been shifted to COVID-19 response measures.

The NiCaDe project supports the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) in capacity building to prevent and manage infectious diseases and outbreaks. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak response measures such as restrictions on national and international travel, many of the originally planned project activities, e.g. on-site trainings and workshops, could not be implemented as planned. The project partners are involved in the Nigerian and the German COVID-19 outbreak response. The project activities have been adapted and a larger focus has also been placed on COVID-19 response measures.
In summary, the NiCaDe project has been able to adapt the activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is, however, a highly dynamic process which we will continue to monitor closely in order to be able to further adapt activities if necessary. The strong partnership between RKI and NCDC supports an international collaborative strategy that is essential during such global pandemics.

Date: June 2020