RKI Supports Guinean Health Workers in Infection Prevention and Control

The PASQUALE team from the Robert Koch Institute visited partners at the Faranah Regional Hospital in Guinea from 7 to 17 February 2022. The mission was a great team building opportunity and provided a valuable chance for exchange between the two institutes and key stakeholders collaborating on measures to improve patient safety in this project.

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RKI team members visit the regional health office with the regional hospital director, Dr. Ibrahima Nabé (Source: RKI)

During the visit of the RKI PASQUALE members, workshops on hand hygiene training for health personnel were led by a national expert in infection prevention and control (IPC), Ms Cissé. She sensitised health workers to the fundamental importance of infection prevention and hand hygiene in health care. The workshops trained health workers employed at the Faranah regional hospital and surrounding health centers. A total of 120 people were trained in four intensive workshops.

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Regional Hospital of Faranah in Guinea (Source: RKI)
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Healthcare workers participate in a hand-hygiene training given by national IPC expert (Source: RKI)
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The PASQUALE team visits surrounding health centers with Ms Cissé to discuss current IPC measures and gaps (Source: RKI)

In addition to capacity building, access to alcohol-based hand rub was assured to the surrounding health centers. This solution is produced locally by Faranah Regional Hospital staff and is a key element in the sustainability of IPC efforts. This is an important step that will contribute to reducing the number of healthcare-associated infections in the region. The roll-out of HR to the health centers were accompanied by a fact-finding mission to the health centers to exchange ideas on IPC in the primary health care setting.

Date: April 2022

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