To strengthen healthcare systems worldwide and better prepare them for disease outbreaks, the GHPP globally supports projects that contribute to this goal.
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Subline hereInfo here
Availability, Quality and Safety of Blood and Blood Products in Africa
StatusongoingDuration2023 - 2025Project CountriesGhana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, ZimbabweImplementing InstitutionPaul-Ehrlich-InstitutBudget~ 2,600,000 EUR -
Regulatory Capacity Building in the Field of Vaccines: Training and Scientific Advice to Establish Official lot Release
StatusongoingDuration2023 - 2025Project CountriesGhana, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, SüdafrikaImplementing InstitutionPaul-Ehrlich-InstitutBudget~ 1,700,000 EUR -
Regulatory Capacity Building in the Field of Vaccines: Training and Advice for Clinical Trials and Pharmacovigilance
StatusongoingDuration2023 - 2025Project CountriesGhana, Liberia, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Südafrika, The Gambia, ZimbabweImplementing InstitutionPaul-Ehrlich-InstitutBudget~ 2,100,000 Euro -
Regulatory Training and Advice in the Field of Vaccines and Biomedical Therapeutics
StatuscompletedDuration2016 - 2022Project CountriesGhana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, ZimbabweImplementing InstitutionPaul-Ehrlich-InstitutBudget~ 538,000 EUR -
Availability, Safety, and Quality of Blood and Blood Products: Supporting the Development of a Regulatory Structure and its Adaptation to Crisis Situations in Project Countries
StatuscompletedDuration2016 - 2022Project CountriesGhana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, ZimbabweImplementing InstitutionPaul-Ehrlich-InstitutBudget~ 1,350,000 EUR