Combating Resistance in the Treatment of Infectious Diseases by Promoting Judicious/Rational Use of Anti-infective Drugs

Short Description
CPA facilitates collaborative research on optimal use of anti-infective drugs as a means to combat antimicrobial resistance.
The research projects under CPA will help fill important gaps in knowledge about locally-relevant, real-world hospital practice and ways in which scientific training on appropriate drug use may assist healthcare professionals optimise/increase benefits to the individual patient alongside promoting public health.
Three PhD students from Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi will conduct research in the fields of drug safety, clinical pharmacology, pharmacogenetics and individualized therapy. The project will enable a situation analysis of prescription practices and resistance in healthcare facilities and strengthen transfer of knowledge on optimal and judicious use of anti-infective drugs.
CPA aims to support research carried out by African researchers and establish a network for the coordinated optimisation of anti-infective drug therapy through facilitating/guiding:
- scientific training in the field of judicious use of anti-infective drugs, therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), pharmacogenetics and clinical pharmacology
- collection of data reflecting locally-relevant, real-world hospital practice in selected healthcare facilities in African partner countries
- initiation and establishment of a network for the coordinated research for appraisal of use and optimization of relevant anti-infective drug therapy in local hospitals
Video: Research – Uncovering variations in drug response in African populations
Last update: December 2022