FUTURE International UZB/UKR – Corona Global
Strengthening Clinical Management of COVID-19 and Intensive Care Patients Using Telemedicine and Web-based Learning

Short Description
The project FUTURE INTERNATIONAL, jointly led by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Charité University Medicine, gives selected hospitals with ICUs in partner countries the opportunity to be part of a telemedical intensive care network and to benefit from web-based learning. Through telemedicine, permanent on-site clinical technical support is achieved in the target country. Ward rounds are conducted jointly with the telemedicine team on a daily basis. The German specialist accompanies the team on site via a mobile ward round robot. The robot is perceived by hospital staff and patients as a real expert. Furthermore, it is possible to conduct in-depth case discussions of other complex cases and to go into detail for some of the more rare COVID-19 disease courses. The telemedical support does not only improve the care for the individual patient but has a training effect, as doctors and nurses involved in the patient care benefit from the support by specialists and can pass this knowledge on to their colleagues.
The project consists of two consecutive sub-projects:
1. FUTURE International UZB – Corona Global
As the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic progresses, there is a continuous need for specialist expertise in infectious diseases and intensive care for the clinical management of COVID-19 patients. Digital tools such as telemedicine support and web-based learning opportunities have become increasingly important for clinicians to share up-to-date knowledge and their own experiences in the treatment of moderate and critically ill COVID-19 patients. The availability of infectiological advice and modern intensive care treatment is crucial in the treatment of severe COVID-19 disease. Many countries are able to provide bed capacity and additional equipment. However, the lack of experienced infectious disease specialists and intensive care physicians as well as specialized nursing expertise is difficult to solve in the short and medium term by recruiting personnel, as suitable personnel is extremely limited or unavailable.
2. FUTURE International UKR
Due to the results of the FUTURE International UZB project and the high interest from Ukraine, the project was expanded in 2022 to include support for Ukraine (FUTURE International UZB – UKR). Due to the war, Ukraine has a considerable need for medical expertise to provide acute care for severely injured and patients with complecatied illnesses. However, it is difficult to send appropriate personnel to Ukraine in the short or medium-long periods given the existing security situation. In this case, the use of telemedicine is extremely useful, as this technology allows highly specialized expertise from Germany to be contacted through specified personnel that is available 24/7 anytime.
Project Objectives
- Strengthening the quality of intensive care treatment in selected clinics in Uzbekistan
- Increasing knowledge of treating clinicians on COVID-19 patient management and treatment
Therefore the project aims to:
- improve patient care
- reduce case mortality
- reduce length of hospital stay
- positive effect on overall standard of care
- reduce “collateral damage” in non-COVID patients
Last update: December 2023