GETPrepaReD: Global Emergency Trainings and support for Preparedness and Response to Disease outbreaks

Strengthening National Epidemiological Capacities of Project Countries in Outbreak and Crisis Management

Short Description

GET PrepaReD helps project countries prepare for and respond to outbreaks of infectious diseases. Depending on the project country’s requirements and commitments, this project can address all stages in the crisis management cycle.

GET PrepaReD supports project countries with the following objectives:

  • Advancement of surveillance systems for the early detection of outbreaks
  • Development of crisis plans
  • Practical training on the epidemiology of infectious disease
  • Fast assembly of crisis centres to ensure communication and coordination in the event of health emergencies
  • Deploying international experts
  • Retrospective incident management evaluations
  • Creating and carrying out realistic training exercises

These objectives are incorporated into Federal Government concepts and strategies and implemented in close coordination with other national partners (e.g. BNITM, GIZ) and international actors (ECDC, WHO, EC).

Aims of the Project

  • Preventing outbreaks of infectious diseases in project countries (prevention)
  • Enabling targeted control measures by being well prepared (preparedness)
  • Fast and competent epidemiological responding and containing (response) the spread of infections

Partner Institutions

  • National Institutes of Public Health (NIPH) of Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia

Last update: December 2022



01.01.2016 - 31.12.2022


ca. 340,000 EUR

Project Countries

  • Albania
  • Kosovo
  • Montenegro
  • Northern Macedonia

Implementing Institution

Robert Koch Institute