Cross-border Management of Tuberculosis between Poland and Germany


The treatment of tuberculosis (TB) is complex and often requires patients to follow long and extensive treatment protocols. This is especially true of drug-resistant TB (DR-TB), which is one of the most urgent problems facing TB control in Eastern Europe. As any interruption of treatment can jeopardise effective (DR-) TB control, cross-border TB control is crucial. Addressing the cross-border exchange of information, the project now aims to lay the groundwork for sustainable systematic communication of TB patient data between Poland and Germany. It will assess the current situation, pinpoint any gaps and needs, identify relevant stakeholders and contribute to systematic cross-border TB management.


Preparation of a project to enhance the exchange of information on continuity of treatment of tuberculosis patients who regularly cross borders and the exchange of information on contact persons.

In Cooperation with

  • National Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Research Institute (IGiChP), Poland

Thematic priorities

  • Infection prevention and control
  • Resolutions and international agreements
  • Strengthening of public health systems
  • Surveillance and reporting



01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023


ca. 73,000 Euro

Project Countries

  • Germany
  • Poland

Implementing Institution

Robert Koch Institute


Dr Stefan Kröger
Robert Koch-Institut (RKI)
Nordufer 20, 13353 Berlin, Deutschland
Email: kroegers@rki.de


  • Research and provision of evidence

    Assessing gaps and needs for systematic cross-border TB management between both partner countries.

  • Networking and cooperation

    Identifying stakeholders for multisectoral cooperation within the follow-up project.

  • Capacity development

    Developing tools to facilitate and standardise the exchange of information on tuberculosis cases; developing a strategic plan for a follow-up project on a larger scale, including precise assessments of the requirements for its implementation.