IHR-PVS Toolbox
Supporting WHO in the Development of Toolboxes for Bridging IHR and PVS Challenges

Short Description
With the overall aim to support countries in managing risks at the animal-human interface, the project will support the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) (conducted in collaboration with OIE) to ensure the contribution of the animal health sector in the implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005). More specifically, the project will help to complement the methodology developed for the IHR-Performance of Veterinary Services (IHR-PVS) bridging workshops, used by countries to develop roadmaps for improved coordination mechanism between the animal and human health sectors.
Aims of the Project
The major aim of the project is the development of tools for the already established national bridging workshops for IHR and PVS. Here we aim for disease specific or thematic topics oriented toolboxes such as rabies and possibly antimicrobial resistance (AMR) or other One health threats. The approach will facilitate the implementation of joint control plans with much more technical detail leading countries to the development of a truly “one health” oriented agenda of systems strengthening for the public and veterinary health sector. Through this proposed project, the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut in its capacity as WHO collaborating centre for Rabies surveillance and research as well as OIE collaborating centre for zoonosis in Europe, will be enabled to provide the technical expertise for WHO to progress in this initiative. The project therefore falls under the thematic area 3 of the strategy on global health security of the BMG where by strengthening the capacity of technical institutions, deeper involvement in shaping the international agenda is enabled.
Last update: November 2022