Development of a Standardised AMR Laboratory for Resource-Limited Settings

Short Description
The project strives to develop a model bacteriology laboratory with the capacities to perform blood, stool, urine and cervical swab cultures and antibiotic susceptibility testing according to the WHO Global antimicrobial resistance and use surveillance system (GLASS) guidelines. The laboratory will be fully integrated in the national antimicrobial (AMR) surveillance activities and designed as an autarkic structure, which is able to function without external power supplies in difficult-to-access-regions. The pilot structure will be built in rural Ghana, where the laboratory will be evaluated after a four-months period. Based on the evaluation results, a second laboratory will be built in rural Mali.
Aims of the Project
- To develop a universally applicable construction plan of a bacteriology laboratory for AMR activities
- To construct a pilot AMR bacteriology laboratory in Assin Foso, Ghana and Koro, Mali
- To train laboratory personnel and evaluate AMR surveillance activities
- To create bio-banking facilities for the preservation of collected samples and isolates
In Cooperation with
- Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicines (KCCR), Ghana
- The Ghana Health Service (GHS), Ghana
- Centre d’Infectiologie Charles Mérieux (CICM), Mali
- African Association for Research and Control of Antimicrobial Resistance (AAAMR), Mali
Last update: July 2021